
A Madill 124 Yarder
A Madill 124 Yarder

Clyde Skidder at Marathon Logging Camp near Newton, MS ~1921
Clyde Skidder at Marathon Logging Camp near Newton, MS ~1921

A yarder is piece of logging equipment which is used to pull or fly logs from the stump to the landing using a system of cables. It usually consists of an engine, drums, and spar, but has a range of configurations and variations such as the Swing yarder.

Early Yarders

The early yarders were all steam powered. They could travel on railroads, known as "dummylines" and the felled trees were dragged or "skidded" to the railroad where they were later loaded onto rail cars. Popular brands were: Willamette, Skagit, Washington, Tyee, or Lidgerwood and Clyde built by Clyde Ironworks in Duluth, Minnesota.

Although these machines appear to be large and cumbersome, they were true workhorses of their day. The Clyde was capable of retrieving logs from four different points at the same time. Each cable, or lead, was approximately 1000 feet in length. Once the logs were attached and a clearance signal was sent for retrieval, they could be skidded at a speed of 1000 feet per minute (1MPH = 88 fpm = 26.8 meter per minute) this is around 10 mph. Working conditions around these machines were very dangerous.

After the logs were hauled to the landing, a separate machine called a loader, loaded them with tongs or heel-booms onto rail cars or diesel engine trucks. Loaders were sometimes called duplexes as they had two steam engines to control the tongs. A large machine with a yarder and loader combined is called a unit. In the 1950s steam engines were replaced by diesel engine, and war-surplus tank chassis, which provided a frame for the new yarders, now that rail mounted ones were obsolete

Modern Cable Logging

Cable logging used primarily on the U.S. west coast uses a yarder, loaders and grapple yarders.

See article about Cable Logging

Further reading

Forestry equipment
Cable logging

External links
Yarder at Wikipedia

Forestry tools and equipment
Caulk boots - Hoedad (hoedag) - Groasis Waterboxx - Mattock - Pottiputki - Root trainer - Seed trap - Tree planting bar (dibble bar) - Tree shelter (Tuley tube) - Tree spade
3D scanner - Angle gauge - Biltmore stick - Chain - Cruising rod - Diameter tape - Hemispherical photography - Inclinometer - Increment borer - Rangefinder laser - Microtome - Relascope - Tree caliper - Wedge prism
Aerial firefighting - Driptorch - Fire flapper - Fire rake - Fire retardant - Helitack - McLeod (rakehoe) - Pulaski
Billhook - Broadaxe Froe (shake axe) - Hatchet - Labrys - Log splitter - Splitting maul
Bow saw - Bucksaw - Chainsaw - Crosscut saw - Dragsaw - Head saw - Lumber edger - Portable sawmill - Resaw - Two-man saw - Whipsaw
Cant hook - Feller buncher - Forwarder - Go-devil - Harvester - Helicopter - Log truck - Lombard Steam Log Hauler - Michigan logging wheels - Peavey - Pickaroon - Pike pole - Skid cone - Skidder - Steam donkey - Swing Yarder - Yarder
Denailer - Firewood processor - Forest railway - Forestry mulcher - Hand compass - Hand hook - Hydraulic debarker - Log house moulder - Machete - Stump grinder - Chainsaw mill - Tree tyer - Tsakat - Whoopie sling - Wood-drying kiln - Woodchipper

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